A study on traditional water quality assessment methods


  • Abiodun Babatunde Research and Public Policy, University of Lagos, Nigeria


Water, Water pollution, Water quality, Assessment methods, Traditional water assessment


Water quality has been damaged in countries with abundant water resources. They often have significant pollution levels in the rivers. The three most prevalent anthropogenic activities are industrial regions, sewage, agriculture, and animal husbandry. Water pollution can also result from natural calamities like floods and the illegal disposal of chemical waste. Water pollution harms human health, the environment, society, the economy, and wildlife. Hence, water quality assessment is crucial for reducing challenges associated with or caused by water pollution. This study delved into reviewing different traditional water quality assessment methods to identify the most advantageous one. The traditional water quality assessment methods are the single-factor assessment method, numerous pollution index, comprehensive pollution index method, principle component analysis, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and water quality identification index. The strengths and weaknesses of all these methods were examined, and it was discovered that the water quality identification index would be more plausible; however, it is costly.


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How to Cite

A study on traditional water quality assessment methods. (2024). Risk Assessment and Management Decisions, 1(1), 41-52. https://ramd.reapress.com/journal/article/view/29