Mitigating Human Error in Oil and Gas Accidents Using TRACEr-OGI: A Middle Eastern Case Study



Accident investigation, Cognitive error, Psychological error, Internal error, External error


Persistent human error remains a significant contributor to Middle Eastern oil and gas accidents despite ongoing efforts to analyze and mitigate these risks. This study investigates the applicability of the Technique for Retrospective and Predictive Analysis of Cognitive Error (TRACEr-OGI) for analyzing human error in offshore/onshore drilling accidents. Data from 16 accidents between 2000 and 2014 were obtained from the IOGP safety zone and analyzed using TRACEr-OGI. A total of 1131 errors associated with the accidents were coded. The analysis revealed operator context (55.26%) as the most prevalent error source, followed by task errors (51.93%) within the context of incidence. It suggests a need for interventions targeting operator decision-making processes during drilling operations. Interestingly, both internal (33.66%) and external (33.17%) error modes were highly prevalent within the operator context. It indicates operators' susceptibility to errors arising from both internal cognitive factors and external influences on their decision-making. Additionally, the analysis identified personnel and management factors (23.41%) and Psychological Error Modes (PEM)  (19.27%) as significant contributors to accidents. These findings suggest a multi-faceted approach is necessary to mitigate human error in Middle Eastern drilling operations. This study highlights the importance of considering operator cognitive factors and broader personnel and management practices that can influence psychological well-being. The oil and gas industry can significantly enhance safety in drilling operations across the Middle East by addressing these factors.     


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How to Cite

Mitigating Human Error in Oil and Gas Accidents Using TRACEr-OGI: A Middle Eastern Case Study. (2024). Risk Assessment and Management Decisions, 1(1), 102-120.