Interactive Compromise Programming Approach for Solving Vendor Selection Problems under Fuzziness


  • Hamiden Abd El-Wahed Khalifa Department of Mathematics, College of Science and Arts, Qassim University, Al-Badaya 51951, Saudi Arabia
  • Ramin Goudarzi Karim Department of CIS, Stillman College, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA


Optimization, Multi-objective integer programming, Vendor selection problem, Fuzzy parameters, Triangular fuzzy numbers


This paper studies a Vendor Selection Problem (VSP) with fuzzy parameters in the price of a unit item, an upper limit of the quantity available, and an aggregate demand for the item. These fuzzy parameters are characterized as fuzzy numbers. An extended efficiency concept called that -efficient solution is introduced using the-level sets of fuzzy numbers. A fuzzy programming approach is applied by defining a membership function after converting the fuzzy VSP into an equivalent deterministic VSP. A linear membership function is being used to obtain optimal compromise solution. An interactive procedure for obtaining -optimal compromise solution is also presented. An illustrative numerical example is given to clarify the obtained results.              


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How to Cite

Interactive Compromise Programming Approach for Solving Vendor Selection Problems under Fuzziness. (2024). Risk Assessment and Management Decisions, 1(1), 1-11.

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