Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders for Garments-Making Employees at Sewing Workplace


  • Abdalla Esmaeel Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industries Engineering and Technology, University of Gezira P. O. Box 20, Wad Madani, Sudan.
  • Diana Starovoytova Department of Manufacturing, Industrial and Textile Engineering, School of Engineering, Moi University P. O. Box 3900, Eldoret, Kenya.
  • Jerry Ochola Department of Manufacturing, Industrial and Textile Engineering, School of Engineering, Moi University P. O. Box 3900, Eldoret, Kenya.


MSDs, Working environment, REBA, Ergonomic risk, REAL factory


Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) have become one of the main problems in the working environment, and it increases employees’ risk of illness. This health problem, however, may contribute to the long-run effects on production performance. The aim of this paper, therefore, was to assess the work-related MSDs for garments-making employees at the sewing workplace, Rivatex East Africa Limited (REAL), Eldoret, Kenya. In order to determine the working postures and identification of the hazard and risk factors of the MSD system depending on the working posture. Rapid Entire Body Analysis (REBA) was used to assess the ergonomic work-related MSDs. The analysis results of employee posture for the existing sewing workplace had a final REBA score of 5, which meant that there was a medium ergonomic risk of MSDs and changes needed. In conclusion, the findings from this paper showed that the existing sewing workplace at the REAL factory needs to be redesigned in order to reduce awkward postures and anthropometric mismatches to lower MSD problems and improve productivity among employees.


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How to Cite

Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders for Garments-Making Employees at Sewing Workplace. (2025). Risk Assessment and Management Decisions, 2(2), 87-103.

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